Just Start Walready!
I've finally decided to actually sit down and work on building a proper website for Wal of Books! I have been putting this off for forever because building a website is so daunting, however, I figure that if I can just apply my general WoB mentality to this, everything should be fine. That mentality is "slow motion is better than no motion" and that I can always improve on a published work, it just needs to be published first. So here it is! Please bear with me as I figure things out. I will be figuring things out until after I've perished should immortality not be in the cards.
I'm thinking that I could put a bunch of my thoughts here with regards to the projects I'm working on at any given time. I've always been wary of publicly articulating my thoughts on my works in progress because I felt like that was the kiss of death for any potential progress on the project. These last few years of WoB, however, have taught me that I no longer lack follow-through, so I say why not let you folks in on what I have going on! Okay, on to current project to speak of... My Tic Tac Toe book!
No, not a sequel to Tic Tac Toku or a new edition of it. Rather, this time, I am creating a Choose Your Own Adventure book that is based in a game of Tic Tac Toe. In essence, you want to put X in the bottom right corner, turn to page 15, want to put it in the bottom left, turn to page 17, that sort of thing. In the future, I want to get good at crafting CYOAs, but I wanted to make one now, despite never having written an actual narrative. I figured by making it a basic game of Tic Tac Toe, I can pull off the CYOA nature of the game without having to write a novel with branching narrative paths. I've finished drafting every possibility that can be taken, which took months. As I'm designing the pages for the actual book itself, I'm drafting up ideas for my first novel, so that in the future, I will have the courage and experience necessary to write my first CYOA novel. My projects I like to do in parallel because my learned skills for one book might help another book, or even a non-book project like photography or something.
This Tic Tac Toe book will not be out any time soon, but I want you to know that I'm always working on it. It is very mind numbing and tedious work at the current phase, so I am not attacking it like I would a shorter project, but within a year, I have faith I'll be showing it off on here.